The aim of the course is to ensure that those within an organisation who are to use and inspect harnesses as part of their work tasks
To ensure that the organisation has sufficient numbers of trained persons capable of using harnesses.
The structure of the course
- Introduction and course aims.
- Summary of Working at Height Regulations.
- Distinction between fall prevention, fall restraint, fall arrest and work positioning. Maximum free fall space.
- The fall pendulum effect.
- Suitability and selection of equipment.
- Anchor points, running lines and inertia reels.
- Safe work practices during work at height.
- Inspection of equipment prior to use.
- Care and maintenance
- Correct donning procedure for harnesses.
- Practical sessions
- A room with a mains power socket and sufficient seating for trainees.
- An outside area suitable for carrying out fitting and inspection exercises..
The course is designed for a maximum number of twelve delegates.
All delegates are issued with a course attendance certificate valid for three years.