Ryder Partnership Ltd is now pleased to be able to offer a Portable Appliance Testing service (PAT Testing).
The frequency of PAT Testing is determined by the assessment of the risk. Many organisations have it carried out annually, in harsh environments such as construction sites there may be a requirement to have equipment tested every three to six months. Whereas fixed appliances such as a microwave that are lightly used, may be tested for up to three years.
There should still be a comprehensive and regular visual inspection, particularly of cables and leads, etc.
While it is not a legal requirement in itself, PAT Testing, along with visual inspection of electrical equipment can be used by all organisations to ensure that they meet the safety requirements of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989.
The law simply requires employers to ensure electrical equipment is maintained in order to prevent danger.
It is recommended that all electrical appliances are visually inspected prior to use when purchased.
We can provide labels that can be attached to the cable or lead. These can be dated.
The services you will receive:
Our technician will PAT test all electrical equipment that is presented to them and each piece of equipment will be given a serial number that will be indicated on a green PAT test label which will be attached to the plug lead or cable. This serial number will be used to find equipment that needs to be tested next time and identify any pieces of equipment that are no longer in use.
All items tested including their location will be listed on a register for your records. This document also enables us to contact you in plenty of time in advance of your agreed PAT test expiry date.
Each piece of equipment will be visually inspected covering switching, wiring connections, and plug condition.
If any piece of equipment fails, the test or visual inspection a red label will be attached indicating that it should no longer be used and advice on how it should be disposed of.
Ryder Partnership Ltd can use a risk assessment-based approach to advise on the frequency of PAT Testing and provide information on how and what to inspect on your electrical equipment.
We also provide information leaflets on how to visually inspect your electrical equipment.
If you want to speak to us regarding our service provision, please contact us on 07977511191 or email info@ryderpartnership.co.uk