Bespoke Contracts of Employment and Policies and Procedures
You may just want us to review your documents and update them annually, or you may not have these in place and want to ensure you are adhering to legislation. While a lot of companies can provide you with with an “off the shelf” contract of employment and company handbook, at ECHR we believe that in order for the business to get as much as they can from these documents, they need to be bespoke to the business.
It is important for not only an employee to make a good first impression, but for the business to. Inductions are the first thing an employee will experience at your company. We can write an induction course bespoke to your business or review your induction and make recommendations for improvements. We will also provide you with relevant paperwork for both employee and employer to complete during this process – we can even run the induction courses if you prefer!
We can offer the following training to managers in your business:
- Conducting Appraisals
- Conducting Disciplinary and Grievance investigations and meetings
- Managing absence and performance management
If there is a subject that you want us to help you with, please contact us and we will put together a bespoke training course.
Not only do we offer training for managers in conducting appraisals we can also assist you with writing an appraisal document and procedure.
Some companies, especially small businesses don’t have the time to conduct appraisals, but understand the importance of doing so. We can therefore provide a service, where we conduct the appraisal meeting with the employee on your behalf, with minimal input from managers.
Performance management
You may have an employee who is failing to meet deadlines or just isn’t cutting the mustard!
We can advise you on all things performance related as well as support you in these difficult conversation meetings. We will provide you with performance documents and ensure that your policy and procedure is sufficient and effective.
Our aim is to get your employee performing or to ensure that you do not find yourselves in a costly tribunal!
There may be a time where redundancy is the only option available to you. Whether it’s one employee or a group of employees we can take you through the process from start to finish safely, providing you with paperwork, legal advice and assisting/ chairing the meetings.
Disciplinary and Grievance
It is imperative that companies follow ACAS regulations and of course their own policies and procedures in conducting disciplinary and grievances. It can be very costly when companies get it wrong!
This is where we can help you, we can jump into your procedure at any time, attending investigations, disciplinary/ grievance hearings or appeal hearings or running all three.
We will advise on policies and procedures, advise you on particular incidents and give you support at important meetings.
TUPE is a complex piece of legislation, let us assist you with running the process from start to finish.
Any other difficult conversation meetings
Maybe you haven’t the time, the confidence or the experience to sit down with employees and talk to them about an issue you have / or that they have with you.
We can chair meetings between employees and managers or simply be there as a witness in difficult conversation meetings.
Providing bespoke letters and forms
As part of our retainer service we will provide clients with bespoke letters and forms free of charge, in order to ensure you are complying with legislation and to ensure that you run your business the most efficient way.
If you decide not to take a retainer service with us, then we can also provide these on an ad hoc basis and forms and letters will be charged accordingly.
Assistance with recruitment, including attending interviews and providing bespoke interview questions
You may not have time to recruit a new member of staff because you are so busy (which is why you need that new member of staff yesterday!).
Give us the brief, we can write job descriptions, job adverts, advertise on your behalf, provide bespoke interview questions, set up interviews, send the declined letters out, attend interviews and run assessment centres. We will do as much or as little as you require in order for you to get the best person for the role.
Apprentice recruitment and management
There are many benefits to employing an apprentice. We can help you do all the hard work; recruitment, contracts of employment, internal development programs and working alongside the apprentice and management.
Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability
High on any company agenda’s at the moment is CSR. We can assist you to write and implement a policy within your organisation and set up a monitoring system to ensure that you are delivering on your objectives.
Succession Planning
An aging workforce and society means there currently is a skills gap and this gap will only increase. We can help you with succession planning programs to upskill your younger workforce and to attract future employees into your industry.
Managing Absence
Absence can cost a business approx. £554 per employee per year. We can write and implement absence policies and procedures which will enable the business to manage absence in a pro-active way. We will provide you with absence forms, implement the best way for you to monitor absence and assist you with any home visits and meetings for employees on long term sick.
Full HR audit
If you are not sure what you require, then we can conduct a full HR audit and produce a development plan with our recommendations.
Employment law and best practice advice
As part of our retainer service you will have full access to unlimited advice on your day to day employment issues.
You can also contact us on an ad hoc basis and we will be more than happy to provide you with advice.